Why Does Stucco Crack?
Caring for your home’s stucco exterior is crucial to maintaining its aesthetic appeal and structural integrity. Understanding the common reasons behind stucco cracks can help you address the issue before it becomes a significant problem. Stucco, while durable and attractive, is prone to cracking due to various factors. Addressing these issues promptly can save homeowners from a costly stucco crack repair in the long run. Here are the typical causes of stucco damage.
Natural Settlement and Structural Shifts
One unavoidable cause of stucco cracks is natural settlement. Over time, nearly all buildings settle slightly into the ground, causing minor movements in the structure. These shifts are entirely normal but can lead to hairline cracks in rigid materials like stucco.
Similarly, seismic activity, even minor tremors that are not felt as earthquakes, can create enough movement in a building’s foundation to cause cracks in the stucco siding.
Thermal Expansion and Contraction
Another leading cause of cracked stucco is thermal expansion and contraction. As temperatures fluctuate, building materials expand and contract at different rates. This natural response to changing weather can lead to cracks if joints or proper spacing are not accounted for during installation.
In regions with wide temperature ranges between seasons or even day and night, these cycles can be particularly harsh on your home’s exterior, necessitating frequent inspections for signs of wear.
Improper Installation or Poor Maintenance
Incorrect application techniques during installation or repairs can leave your stucco vulnerable to early cracking. When layers are too thin, improperly mixed, or poorly adhered to the underlying lath system occurs these defaults invite the potential for cracking.
In addition to this, poor maintenance routines, such as neglecting minor crack repairs or failing to seal around doors and windows properly, can escalate problems by allowing water infiltration which exacerbates existing weaknesses in the structure.
If you’ve noticed cracks developing in your home’s stucco facade, understanding what might be causing them is critical for effective remediation. In many cases, professional assessment and repair will be necessary to ensure lasting results that protect your property’s value and appearance. For residents looking for reliable stucco crack repair solutions in Abita Springs, LA, Mendozamz Brick and Stucco offers expert services tailored to address these common issues. Reach out today at (985) 249-9848, where our knowledgeable team stands ready to help with all of your stucco repair needs.